Upcoming Group Clearings:

My #1 Block Right Now
Live Group Clearing

January 23rd @ 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern

In January’s live group clearing, Jacki will be looking into each attendee’s energy and clearing the most ripe and ready-to-clear block that is surfacing in each individual’s life. Due to the nature of this clearing, it is limited to 15 spots so Jacki can look at everyone’s individual energy. A recording will be available to those who register.

Register Now ($50)

My #1 Love Block
Two Live Group Clearings

February 13th and 14th @ 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern

In these two back to back group clearings, Jacki will be (1) looking into each attendee’s energy and clearing the most ripe and ready-to-clear LOVE block that is surfacing in their life, and (2) looking into the collective patterns and blocks that are present in the group. Due to the nature of these clearings, this short series limited to 20 spots so Jacki can look at everyone’s individual energy. Recordings will be available to those who register.

Register Now ($100)

Intuition Mastery & Coach Training

Begins January 27th * Apply Now!

“I Need a Money Miracle!”
Recorded Clearing

If you missed this live group activation, you can still move into the frequency of a money miracle by listening to the recording. Miracles become commonplace in your life when you sustain a vibration of 540 on Dr. David Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness. In this 60 minute recording, I will walk you through the process that I personally use to move into this vibration. Even if you don’t sustain this state forever, you can create space for a miracle to pop into your field when you clear the blocks that we release in this clearing, and generate this 540 vibration (even for just a little while).

Listen Now! $33