in·tu·i·tion: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
As energetic beings, we all have an innate ability to tap into every bit of information and energy that is available on this planet (and beyond). However, throughout our human lifetime, most of us accumulate programming and blocks that can prevent us from being able to easily see/feel/hear/know some of this information quickly and accurately. When we hold these blocks, our intuitive signal can get cloudy, and information gets distorted (or even blocked) on its way into our conscious awareness. In this audio clearing series, you will identify and clear some of the dense energy and programming that you are holding that has been blocking (or inhibiting) your clear intuition.
This video from the Spot On Intuition Summit describes what is included in this bundle:


3rd Eye Clearing: Learn about the different “CLAIRS” (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance) and get clear on when (and why) you began to close each of these psychic senses down.
Activating CLAIRSENTIENCE: In this 3rd eye clearing, you will release the blocks in the way of being able to psychically “feel” information and guidance.
Activating CLAIRVOYANCE: In this clearing, you will release the blocks in the way of being able to psychically “see” information and guidance.
Clearing Your Crown Chakra: In this clearing, you will release the blocks in your crown chakra that give you a perception of being separated from the source of all energy and information. As you move into oneness with “ALL THAT IS”, you move into oneness and connection with any and all information that this “ALL” contains.
Clearing Co-Dependency & Energy Leaks: Any time we are working with energy, and activating our intuition, we must be careful not to take on responsibility for the life and livelihood of others. In this clearing, you will patch up anywhere you are leaking your own energy to another person (or other people), and clear the programming that has you believing that this co-dependency is a pre-requisite to being loved (or enough).
Clairaudience & Acting on Your Intuition: In our Hi-Watt Live Block #3 module, the topic was “You’re Not Following Your Guidance.” In this clearing, you will release the blocks to hearing your guides and angels, and clear away the fears that keep you stuck when you’re trying to take action on the intuitive nudges you’re getting.

Bonus “Possibility Squad” Clearings:

 1. Activating Claircognizance
In this clearing, you will release the energies that are signaling to the Universe that you “don’t want to know” things. Once these blocks have been released, you will be a clear channel to “just know” information that wants to come through psychically.
2. Clearing the Fear of Being Wrong
… and expressing your intuition

Value: Over $900
Regular Price: $300

Intuition Summit Price:
(extended through 2024)


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